Scientists have discovered that time is just an illusion

Scientists have discovered that time is just an illusion

Buckle up, folks, it’s time to learn about quantum mechanics

If you thought 2024 couldn’t get any worse, scientists now believe that time is just an illusion.

Yes, you read that right.

According to researchers, time may not be something essential to our world and is something created by ‘quantum entanglement’.

What is quantum entanglement, I hear you cry.

Well, quantum entanglement is a complicated scientific term for when particles interact in the way they affect each other’s states.

The theory states that the perception of time is due to the confusion of objects with a reference clock.

According to the researchers, the universe would still appear peaceful to anyone observing from the outside.

Scientists now believe that time is a construct of quantum entanglement.  (Getty Stock Images/Shapecharge)

Scientists now believe that time is a construct of quantum entanglement. (Getty Stock Images/Shapecharge)

Initially, scientists believed that time is related to the structure of space and can be distorted by gravity, as fans of the film Interstellar will be aware.

But this may not be the case.

According to quantum mechanics, time does not share the same flexibility and this can overturn the entire nature of time.

However, while it’s a pretty cool concept that challenges the basis of our entire system in life, it’s not without its difficulties.

For example, how do you test it to find out if it is true?

There isn’t really a tangible way to do this where you can see the results, so maybe it’s not time to throw away our previous understanding of time just yet.

Researcher Alessandro Coppo and his colleagues published their findings in Physical Review A, and their paper explores how our experience of time may be a byproduct of quantum processes.

Time can be based on how particles affect each other, regardless of the distance between them.  (Getty Stock Images/ iNDU BACHKHETI)

Time can be based on how particles affect each other, regardless of the distance between them. (Getty Stock Images/ iNDU BACHKHETI)

Although the theory is still in its infancy, it could open the door to a whole new understanding of the universe and how it works.

Coppo said: “For centuries, time has entered physics as an essential ingredient that should not be questioned. It is so ingrained in our concept of reality that people thought that a definition of time was not necessary.

“We believe that nature is truly quantum.”

Before this discovery, time was described as a measure of a change in a physical quantity or a quantity to determine the duration of events.

Now it can be a byproduct of quantum mechanics and related to quantum entanglement.

This is crazy.

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Featured image credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Science, Technology, News

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